
Monday, October 19, 2009

Running Update...

It's been about 2 weeks since my 30 day challenge and I'm here to say that it has become a habit.

I haven't missed any days that I planned on running.

I will be running the Turkey Trot in Dana Point on thanksgiving day. Come run it with me!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stearnzie Thirty Day 30!!!!

For the last thirty days, I have ran at least 1 mile a day without ever missing one run. My furthest distance was 5.24 miles..... I can't believe it!

I could have done a 6 mile run today, but instead, I ran 2 miles and then walked the rest of the way. I prayed and thanked God for the strength and grace that He sent for me in Christ. It was a very emotional morning.

There were some defeating moments in my past that were working against me in this challenge. I could hear my soccer coaches telling me I wasn't good enough. I could hear the kids on the playground telling me that I would never finish this challenge. I heard my PE coaches in high school harping on me because I could never run a mile. I heard thoughts of defeat that told me I would never be "fit" and that I should just give up now.

But if God is for me, who can be against me?

Although the thoughts of my past followed hard after me, your support in this challenge helped me overcome those defeating memories. Running into random people around town and having them cheer me on my running was SO encouraging. Reading your comments on facebook, twitter and blog helped encourage me on days I wasn't "feeling" it.

If you are reading this blog right now, know that this type of challenge is possible for you too. Maybe it isn't running, but whatever it is, I'm here to say YOU CAN DO IT!

In closing I would like to leave you with this;

30 days ago I felt lazy, discouraged, and consumed with self loathing.

Today I feel confident, motivated, energized, and loved.

HALF MARATHON HERE I COME- but first, rest tomorrow! :)

Stearnzie Thirty Day 29

After my long 5 mile run yesterday, I could only go 1 mile today. Plus, I ran on a treadmill and I can never go as far when I run on treadmills.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Stearnzie Thirty Day 28... WOO HOO!

The video explains my joy....

Thank you all for your support in this huge task!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Stearnzie Thirty DAY 27

I spoke with my good buddy Riley Hall today and shared with him that I was concerned I might be getting sick. Im really not sure if its sickness or just my body being tired from all the running.... I was afraid that I may not be able to run today and I have worked really hard. Riley encouraged me to just run a mile at a slow pace. I did it and I feel great. Phewww, that was a close one.

I also went to Whole Foods today to get my new pair of Tom's and while I was there I looked into some vitamins. I decided to get a Multi Vitamins, Fish Oil & Immune Booster.


Stearnzie Thirty DAY 25 AND 26

Saturday- Had a beautiful 2.7 mile run around back bay. It was so quiet and peaceful. I took a video of it and restored my ipod and it was deleted. :( Very cool though

Sunday- Most victorious day yet! I ran 4.7 miles in 56 mins. About 11 min mile average. Although I was having a hard time throughout the run because I didn't use the restroom beforehand. Could have been a very ugly situation. :)

Friday, October 2, 2009

Stearnzie Thirty DAY 23 AND 24

Although I may be lacking on my blogging, I can assure you I am not lacking on my running.

Its really funny running into people who I had no idea were following my running. The question they ask me is the same across the board; " haven't missed a day???" and I love that I can confidently say, no.

Yesterday 2.75 miles

Today 1.75 (IT WAS HOT, OKAY?)

6 days left. Lets have a party!

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