
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

STEARNzie Thirty DAY 14 and 15 (I shot for 3)

YESTERDAY- Some of you saw my tweet vid that displayed hair product in my eyes. Even I laughed at that. Okay, I laugh at myself a lot. I guess its true what they say; if you have to laugh at yourself, you're not funny..

TODAY- After doing some interval training, I was hoping that I would be able to run 3 miles today. When I got home and mapped it on (thanks Michelle Patrick), I reached my goal! Not only did I reach it, I smoked it! I ran (drumroll)........................

4.1 miles! without stopping. I feel great.

Thank you all for your support


Alaina Nelson said...

hey, good for you! I'm so excited that your doing this, you will NOT regret it! Best of luck

Riley said...

NOOOOOO WAAAAAAAAY!!! Ok, now I'm scared to run with you because you would SMOKE me.

TheBoyd said...

Good for you. That is quite impressive. I give you about two weeks before you're looking for excuses to walk around shirtless.

Keith Everette Smith said...

You're my inspiration John Stearns!

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